Taking What You Know and Making Money With It

Kerry Morrison
3 min readSep 12, 2024


Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

Learning for learning’s sake is fine.

We should all strive to be better.

But learning to be a copywriter, marketer, or salesperson ( heads up, those are all the same thing in 2024 ) is about finding a better way to work.

Whether that’s a better job or working for yourself, that’s up to you.

But we’re here in the pursuit of something.

So, let’s start talking about how to get it. Because it will not happen overnight.

Laying The Groundwork

As you’re working on writing a better and more engaging copy, I want you to begin keeping your eyes open.

I want you to start looking at every website you go to and every business you visit as an opportunity.

An opportunity for critique and potential.

Critique, because the more you can view all messaging from a critical standpoint, the more you’ll work your writing and marketing muscles.

Start to think about what’s missing from the messaging you encounter, how it could be made better, and most importantly, how it can move people to action more effectively.

Start writing down your ideas. Your better words.

As those words start to shape into something meaningful, something you believe to be more effective, I want you to start publishing them.

I don’t really care where, though a social network would be the most helpful for you.

Twitter ( I will not call it X ), Threads, LinkedIn.

Pick one.

Publish your improvement ideas.

Tag people in those businesses ( especially those in marketing or owners if they are smaller businesses ).

Don’t ask for anything. Be careful of making any bold claims.

Just note that you appreciate what they do and thought they could get more people interested with a different message.

That’s it for now.

Setting Up for Future Success

You’re doing two things here.

You’re reaching out to businesses, building a network, and hopefully getting some eyeballs on your ideas.

You’re also building a track record, searchable dedication, commitment, and idea-generation history.

You’re laying breadcrumbs for people.

Even if nothing comes out of this directly ( unlikely ), you will have something to point to that says, “I do this.”

With the inference to others being, I can also do this for you.

And it costs you nothing but time thinking and writing ( the things you need to be doing every day as they are).

Pairing This With Outreach

All this published work will make your life much easier when you reach out to potential clients directly.

Imagine a cold email ( so hard to convert ) that says something along the lines of

“Hey Business Owner,

I saw you talking on LinkedIn about how your landing page isn’t converting, and

I’d love to tell you five ideas I have for how to turn that around.

Similar to these other ideas I crafted ( put screenshots of the posts ).

As you can see, I write words that speak to people in a human way and spur them on to action ( buying things ).

Let me know if you have even 15 minutes to chat.”

That email isn’t going to win any awards, but it’s a hell of a lot better than “hey, hey, let me tell you how my writing is awesome.”

And it all comes down to the concept that it’s easier to show than to tell.

So go, start showing the world what you can do.

Post two to three of these rewrites a week for two months, and you’ll be on your way.

Sidenote: Don’t go writing entire pages. That’s too much work for you and too much information for people to absorb. Start with headlines, openers, hooks, anything to get that quick hit for people.

Originally published at https://www.kerrymorrison.com on September 12, 2024.



Kerry Morrison

I write words that sell like lemonade on the hottest days of summer • Sales copy • Ghostwriting • Landing Pages • Positioning. Find me at betterstory.co